ATTENTION: Clovis Community College's campus, including the Health & Fitness Center, will be closed January 9th and January 10th due to inclement weather. Campus will resume normal operating hours on Monday January 13th, 2025.
NASFAA's Statement of Ethical Principles provides that the primary goal of the institutional financial aid professional is to help students achieve their educational potential by providing appropriate financial resources. To this end, this Statement provides that the financial aid professional shall:
An institutional financial aid professional is expected to always maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct in all aspects of carrying out his or her responsibilities, specifically including all dealings with any entities involved in any manner in student financial aid, regardless of whether such entities are involved in a government sponsored, subsidized, or regulated activity. In doing so, a financial aid professional should:
Clovis Community College as a participant in federal loan programs is required to have a code of conduct applicable to the institution's officers, employees, and agents. The code of conduct requirements are set forth in the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) signed into law on August 14, 2008. Clovis Community College has adopted conflicts of interest and commitment policies but the Code of Conduct Related to Student Loan Activities is an additional requirement specific to certain transactions and activities related to financial aid matters. In addition, the law includes requirements related to publication of the code and annual disclosures.
The HEOA program participation agreement which must be executed by all institutions participating in Title IV financial aid programs including student loan programs, requires a code of conduct with which the institution's officers, employees, and agents shall comply. Such code must prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an officer, employee, or agent of an institution with respect to such loans, and include the provisions set forth in the HEOA related to conflicts. The law further specifies that the code shall be displayed prominently on the institution's website and that all institutional officers, employees and agents with responsibilities related to such loans be annually informed of the provisions of the code of conduct.
All College officers, employees and agents. Annual distribution of the Code of Conduct to all College officers, employees and agents with responsibilities related to student loan activities.
Violations of College policies, including the failure to avoid a prohibited activity or disclose a conflict of interest in timely manner, will be dealt with in accordance with applicable College policies and procedures, which may include disciplinary actions up to and including termination from the College.
Financial Aid Department
Dr. H. A. Miller Student Services Center
Clovis Community College
417 Schepps Blvd.
Clovis, NM 88101
Chat with us NOW!
Call: 575.769.4060
FAFSA School Code: 004743
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.